Peer-reviewed Journal Articles [*Equal contribution, **Equal correspondence]
S. Shin, H. G. Yun, H. Chung, H. Cho** and S. Choi**, "Automation of 3D digital rolling circle amplification," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2024. [PDF]
H. G. Yun, Y. A. Cadierno, T. W. Kim, A. Munoz-Barrutia, D. Garica-Gonzalez and S. Choi**, "Computational hyperspectral microflow cytometry," Small, 2024. [PDF]
S. Shin*, Y.-J. Kim*, H. G. Yun, H. Chung, H. Cho** and S. Choi**, "3D amplified single-cell RNA and protein imaging identifies oncogenic transcript subtypes in B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia," ACS Nano, 2024. [PDF]
M. J. Shin*, B. Kim*, D. Lee, G. Kim, Y. Jung, H. S. Shin, S. Choi** and Y. Park**, "Enhanced functionalities of immune cells separated by microfluidic lattice: assessment based on holotomography," Biomedical Optics Express, 2023. [PDF]
H. S. Shin*, J. Park*, S. Y. Lee, H. G. Yun, B. Kim, J. Kim, S. Han, D. Cho**, J. Doh** and S. Choi**, "Integrative magneto-microfluidic separation of immune cells facilitates clinical functional assays," Small, 2023. [PDF]
E. Lee*, S. Shin*, Y.-J. Kim, S.-G. Yim, G. W. Lee, S. Y. Yang, A. Kim and S. Choi, "Sessile droplet array for sensitive profiling of multiple extracellular vesicle immuno-subtypes," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022. [PDF]
G. W. Lee*, B. Kim*, T. W. Lee, S.-G Yim, A. Chandrasekharan, H. Kim, S. Choi** and S. Y. Yang**, "Nanoporous electroporation needle for localized intracellular delivery in deep tissues," Bioengineering & Translational Medicine, 2022. [PDF]
V. N. Tran, F. Khan, W. Han, M. Luluil, V. G. Truong, H. G. Yun, S. Choi, Y.-M. Kim, J. H. Shin and H. W. Kang, "Real-time monitoring of mono- and dual-species biofilm formation and eradication using microfluidic platform," Scientific Reports, 2022. [PDF]
B. Kim*, I.-H. Seo*, G. M. Seo*, W.-J. Kim, E.-C. Shin** and S. Choi**, "Blood divider for simple, surface tension-based isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells," Advanced Materials Technologies, 2022. [PDF]
H. Jeong*, S. Shin*, J. Hwang, Y.-J. Kim** and S. Choi**, "Open-source fluorescence spectrometer for non-contact scientific research and education," Journal of Chemical Education, 2021. [PDF]
J. H. Shin** and S. Choi**, W. "Open source and do-it-yourself microfluidics," Sensors and Actuators B, 2021. [PDF]
W. Han, S. Kim, S. Shin, S. Y. Yang**, S. Choi**, and J. H. Shin**, "Wind-up precision pump for portable microfluidics," Sensors and Actuators B, 2021. [PDF]
C. E. Park, Y. Cho, I. Cho, H. Jung, B. Kim, J. H. Shin, S. Choi, S.-K. Kwon, Y. K. Hahn, and J.-B. Chang, "Super-resolution three-dimensional imaging of actin filaments in cultured cells and the brain via expansion microscopy," ACS Nano, 2020. [PDF]
E. Lee, B. Kim, and S. Choi, "Hand-held, automatic capillary viscometer for analysis of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids," Sensors and Actuators A, 2020. [PDF]
Y. Lee, B. Kim, and S. Choi, "Integrated microflow cytometry for portable immunophenotypic cell analysis," Sensors and Actuators A, 2020. [PDF]
S. Kim, S.-G. Yim, A. Chandrasekharan, K.-Y. Seong, T. W. Lee, B. Kim, K. Kim**, S. Choi**, and S. Y. Yang**, "On-site fabrication of injectable 131I-labeled microgels for local radiotherapy," Journal of Controlled Release, 2020. [PDF]
S. Choi, "Hydrophoresis - a microfluidic principle for directed particle migration in flow," Biochip Journal, 2020. [PDF]
B. Kim*, M. Jeon*, Y.-J. Kim, and S. Choi, "Open-source, handheld, wireless spectrometer for rapid biochemical assays," Sensors and Actuators B, 306, 2020. [PDF]
E. Lee*, B. Kim*, and S. Choi, "Open-source programmable smart pipette for portable cell separation and counting," RSC Advances, 2019. [PDF]
B. Kim*, K. H. Kim*, Y. Chang, S. Shin, E.-C. Shin**, and S. Choi**, "One-step purification of white blood cells from whole blood for immunophenotyping," Analytical Chemistry, 2019. [PDF]
B. Kim, D. Kang, and S. Choi, "Handheld microflow cytometer based on a motorized smart pipette, a microfluidic cell concentrator and a miniaturized fluorescence microscope," Sensors, pp 2761, 2019. [PDF]
S. Shin, B. Kim, Y.-J. Kim, and S. Choi, "Integrated microfluidic pneumatic circuit for point-of-care molecular diagnostics," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, pp 169, 2019. [PDF]
B. Kim, S. Shin, Y. Lee, C. Um, D. You, H. Yun, and S. Choi, "High-throughput residual white blood cell counter enabled by microfluidic cell enrichment and reagent-containing patch integration," Sensors and Actuators B, pp 549, 2019. [PDF]
Y. Lee, B. Kim, I. Oh, and S. Choi, "Optofluidic modular blocks for on-demand and open-source prototyping of microfluidic systems," Small, pp 1802769, 2018. (selected as a cover page article) [PDF]
S. H. Jung, Y. Hahn, S. Oh, S. K., E. Um, S. Choi,** and J. H. Kang,** "Advection flows-enhanced magnetic separation for high-throughput bacteria separation from undiluted whole blood," Small, pp 1801731, 2018. [PDF]
S. Oh and S. Choi, "3D-printed capillary circuits for calibration-free viscosity measurement of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids," Micromachines, 9, pp 314, 2018. [PDF]
B. Kim, S. Oh, S. Shin, S.-G. Yim, S. Y. Yang, H. Hahn and S. Choi, "Pumpless microflow cytometry enabled by viscosity modulation and immunobead labeling," Analytical Chemistry, 90, pp 8254, 2018. [PDF]
S. Oh, S. H. Jung, H. Seo, M.-K. Min, B. Kim, Y. Hahn, J. H. Kang,** and S. Choi,** "Magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS) pipette tip for immunomagnetic bacteria separation," Sensors and Actuators B, 272, pp 324, 2018. [PDF]
S. Oh,* B. Kim,* and S. Choi, "A 3D-printed multichannel viscometer for high-throughput analysis of frying oil quality," Sensors, 18, pp 1625, 2018. [PDF]
B. Kim, D. You, Y.-J. Kim, I. Oh, and S. Choi, "Motorized smart pipette for handheld operation of a microfluidic blood plasma separator," Sensors and Actuators B, 267, pp 581, 2018. [PDF]
Y. Lee,* B. Kim,* and S. Choi, "On-chip cell staining and counting platform for rapid detection of blood cells in cerebrospinal fluid," Sensors, 18, pp 1124, 2018. [PDF]
S. Oh,* B. Kim,* J. K. Lee, and S. Choi, "3D-printed capillary circuits for rapid, low-cost, portable analysis of blood viscosity," Sensors and Actuators B, 259, pp 106, 2018. [PDF]
H. Kim, X. Tong, S. Choi, and J. K. Lee, "Characterization of ATPase activity of free and immobilized chromatophore membrane vesicles of Rhodobacter sphaeroides," Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 27, pp 2173, 2017.
D. You,* S. Oh,* B. Kim,* H. Hahn, and S. Choi, "Rapid preparation and single-cell analysis of concentrated blood smears using a high-throughput separator and a microfabricated grid film," Journal of Chromatography A, 1507, pp 141, 2017.
B., Y. Lee, J. G. Park, D. You, H. Hahn, and Sungyoung Choi, "A portable somatic cell counter based on a multi-functional counting chamber and a miniaturized microscope," Talanta, 170, pp 238, 2017.
B. Kim, S. Oh, D. You, and S. Choi, "Microfluidic pipette tip for high-purity and high-throughput blood plasma separation from whole blood," Analytical Chemistry, 89, pp 1439, 2017.
B. Kim,* Y. J. Choi,* H. Seo, E.-C. Shin,** and S. Choi,** "Deterministic migration-based separation of white blood cells," Small, 12, pp 5159, 2016. (selected as a cover page article)
B. Kim, H. Hahn, D. You, S. Oh, and S. Choi, "A smart multi-pipette for hand-held operation of microfluidic devices," Analyst, 141, pp 5753, 2016.
H. Hahn, D. Hong, J. H. Kang, S. Choi, "A reconfigurable microfluidics platform for microparticle separation and fluid mixing," Micromachines, 7, pp 139, 2016.
B. Kim, J. K. Lee, and S. Choi, "Continuous sorting and washing of cancer cells from blood cells by hydrophoresis," Biochip Journal, 10, pp 81, 2016.
B. Kim and S. Choi, "Smart pipette and microfluidic pipette tip for blood plasma separation," Small, 12, pp 190, 2016. (selected as a cover page article)
S. Song, M. S. Kim, J. Lee, and S. Choi, "A continuous-flow microfluidic syringe filter for size-based cell sorting," Lab on a Chip, 15, pp 1250, 2015. (selected as a cover page article)
J. H. Shin, M. G. Lee, S. Choi, and J.-K. Park, "Inertia-activated cell sorting of immune-specifically labelled cells in a microfluidic device," RSC Advances, 4, pp 39140, 2014.
S. Song, M. S. Kim, and S. Choi, "Smart microfluidic pipette tip enabled by flow-rate insensitive particle ordering," Small, 10, pp 4123, 2014. (selected as a cover page article and featured in the research highlight of Lab Chip)
J.-M. Lim, A. Swami, L. M. Gilson, S. Chopra, S. Choi, J. Wu, R. Langer, R. Karnik, and O. C. Farokhzad, "Ultra-high throughput synthesis of nanoparticles with homogeneous size distribution using a coaxial turbulent jet mixer," ACS Nano, 8, pp 6056, 2014.
S. Song and S. Choi, "Inertial modulation of hydrophoretic sorting and focusing," Applied Physics Letters, 104, pp 074106, 2014.
S. Chang, S. Song, J. Lee, J. Yoon, J. Park, S. Choi, J.-K. Park, K. Choi, and C. Choi, "Phenotypic modulation of primary vascular smooth muscle cells by short-term culture on micropatterned substrate," Plos One, 9, pp e88089, 2014.
S. Song and S. Choi, "Continuous medium exchange and cell isolation by size-selective passage through slanted micro-obstacles," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 24, pp 025007, 2014.
S. Choi, O. Levy, M. B. Coelho, J. M. S. Cabral, J. M. Karp, and R. Karnik, "A cell rolling cytometer reveals the correlation between mesenchymal stem cell dynamic adhesion and differentiation state," Lab on a Chip, 14, pp 161-166, 2014. (selected as a cover page article)
M. G. Lee, J. H. Shin, S. Choi, and J.-K. Park, "Enhanced blood plasma separation by modulation of inertial lift force," Sensors and Actuators B, 190, pp 311-317, 2014.
S. Song and S. Choi, "Field-free, sheathless cell focusing in exponentially expanding hydrophoretic channels for microflow cytometry," Cytometry A, 83, pp 1034-1040, 2013.
S. Song and S. Choi, "Design rules for size-based cell sorting and sheathless cell focusing by hydrophoresis," Journal of Chromatography A, 1302, pp 191-196, 2013.
M. G. Lee, J. Ho Shin, C. Y. Bae, S. Choi, and J.-K. Park, "Label-free cancer cell separation from human whole blood using inertial microfluidics at low shear stress," Analytical Chemistry, 85 (13), pp 6213-6218, 2013.
S. Choi, J. M. Karp, and R. Karnik, "Cell sorting by deterministic cell rolling," Lab Chip, 12, pp. 1427, 2012. (selected as a cover page article, featured in MIT news and R&D magazine, and became the top ten most accessed article in February)
M. G. Lee, S. Choi, H.-J. Kim, J.-H. Kim, N. Huh, and J.-K. Park, "Inertial blood plasma separation in a contraction-expansion array microchannel," Appl Phys Lett, 98, pp. 253702, 2011. (selected for the July, 2011 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research)
M. G. Lee*, S. Choi*, and J.-K. Park, "Inertial separation in a contraction-expansion array microchannel," J Chromatogr A, 1218, pp. 4138, 2011.
S. Choi, T. Gu, S. Song, C. Choi, and J.-K. Park, "Hydrophoretic high-throughput selection of platelets in physiological shear-stress range," Lab Chip, 11, pp. 413, 2011. (selected for the February, 2011 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research)
S. Choi and J.-K. Park, "Two-step photolithography to fabricate multilevel microchannels," Biomicrofluidics, 4, pp. 046503, 2010. (featured in the research highlight of Biomicrofluidics and became top 20 most downloaded article in November 2010 ‒ February 2011)
S. Choi, M. G. Lee, and J.-K. Park, "Microfluidic parallel circuit for measurement of hydraulic resistance," Biomicrofluidics, 4, pp. 034110, 2010.
M. G. Lee*, S. Choi*, and J.-K. Park, "Rapid multivortex mixing in an alternately formed contraction-expansion array microchannel," Biomed Microdevices, 12, pp. 1019, 2010.
S. Choi and J.-K. Park, "Microfluidic rheometer for characterization of protein unfolding and aggregation in microflows," Small, 6, pp. 1306, 2010.
S. Choi, S.-H. Kim, and J.-K. Park, "Optical path-length modulation for three-dimensional particle measurement in mirror-embedded microchannels," Lab Chip, 10, pp. 335, 2010.
M. G. Lee*, S. Choi*, and J.-K. Park, "Three-dimensional hydrodynamic focusing with a single sheath flow in a single-layer microfluidic device," Lab Chip, 9, pp. 3155, 2009.
M. G. Lee*, S. Choi*, and J.-K. Park, "Rapid laminating mixer using a contraction-expansion array microchannel," Appl Phys Lett, 95, pp. 051902, 2009.
S. Choi and J.-K. Park, "Optically coated mirror-embedded microchannel to measure hydrophoretic particle ordering in three dimensions," Small, 5, pp. 2205, 2009. (selected as a cover page article)
S. Choi and J.-K. Park, "Tuneable hydrophoretic separation using elastic deformation of poly(dimethylsiloxane)," Lab Chip, 9, pp. 1962, 2009.
S. Choi, S. Song, C. Choi, and J.-K. Park, "Microfluidic self-sorting of mammalian cells to achieve cell cycle synchrony by hydrophoresis," Anal Chem, 81, pp. 1964, 2009.
S. Choi, S. Song, C. Choi, and J.-K. Park, "Hydrophoretic sorting of micron and submicron particles using anisotropic microfluidic obstacles," Anal Chem, 81, pp. 50, 2009.
S. Choi and J.-K. Park, "Mirror-embedded microchannel for three-dimensional measurement of particle position," Appl Phys Lett, 93, pp. 191909, 2008.
S. Choi and J.-K. Park, "Sheathless hydrophoretic particle focusing in a microchannel with exponentially increasing obstacle arrays," Anal Chem, 80, pp. 3035, 2008.
S. Choi, S. Song, C. Choi, and J.-K. Park, "Sheathless focusing of microbeads and blood cells based on hydrophoresis," Small, 4, pp. 634, 2008.
J. H. Kang, S. Choi, W. Lee, and J.-K. Park, "Isomagnetophoresis to discriminate subtle difference in magnetic susceptibility," J Am Chem Soc, 130, pp. 396, 2008.
S. Choi, S. Song, C. Choi, and J.-K. Park, "Continuous blood cell separation by hydrophoretic filtration," Lab Chip, 7, pp. 1532, 2007.
S. Choi and J.-K. Park, "Continuous hydrophoretic separation and sizing of microparticles using slanted obstacles in a microchannel," Lab Chip, 7, pp. 890, 2007.
S. Choi and J.-K. Park, "Microfluidic system for dielectrophoretic separation based on a trapezoidal electrode array," Lab Chip, 5, pp. 1161, 2005.
S. Choi and J.-K. Park, "Microfluidic cell sizing using hydrophoretic size-based separation," J Kor Sensors Soc, 17, pp. 245, 2008.